
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Prayer and Action

There is a miss-characterization of Christianity, promulgated by some atheists, that we substitute prayer for action. This misrepresentation is seen on the atheist monument that was erected in front of a Florida courthouse, which claims atheists believe an action should be taken instead of a prayer said. However, the Scriptures do not teach that prayer is a substitute for righteous action, nor do obedient and faithful Christians think that it is. In fact, James, the half-brother of Jesus Christ, reprimanded the so-called "faith" of those who do not show their faith by taking righteous action in obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ (James 2:15-17).  

Prayer has a couple of purposes in the Christian life, but replacing righteous action is not one of them. We do know that our Creator God is the One from whom all blessings, power, and strength originate; and that without Him, no one can do anything. So prayer is a humble acknowledgement of our complete reliance on God for the strength of spirit and body to do what we need to do. Without God's providence, we would all just keel over dead in our tracks. Actually, we couldn't even do that, because we wouldn't even exist in the first place, had we not been created by God. 

And indeed, there are wicked people who use their God-given gifts to do evil, an act of defiance toward God. But their inevitable destination is everlasting ruin unless they repent and reconcile with our Maker (Luke 13:1-5, 2 Corinthians 5:20). And God who is love, in His grace and mercy, patiently allows for everyone to have ample opportunity to seek after Him and find Him. He personally came into the world and taught us about His kingdom; and then He gave His human life on a Roman cross to pay for our sins so that we can be reconciled to Him. And everyone who, in their heart, has heard and learned from God will trust in Jesus Christ for salvation; knowing that we all need to turn from our sin and be reconciled to the heavenly Father by faith in His Son (John 6:45, Romans 3:23-24).

This, too, is why we pray; because we are talking to our heavenly Father. You see, righteousness has never been just about doing good deeds; it's about living in harmony with our good God who is love, (1 John 4:8) and who made humanity in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27) for the purpose of love (Matthew 22:37-40). And a big part of having a relationship with anyone is to spend time talking to the person. And His Spirit speaks to us through His word, the Bible, as we prayerfully read and study it, and contemplate it in all its context. 

And through this holy conversation He teaches us. And as He teaches us, we learn to love the things that God loves; that which is good and right and pure and holy. And so we learn which actions are good and right for us to take. As the Scriptures say, "for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth, finding out what is acceptable to the Lord." (Ephesians 5:9-10). This is more than just an outward change in our behavior. It is an inward change of our hearts and minds as we become harmonized with our heavenly Father. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

The Patience of God

Why does God allow evil to take place in the world? That question has been asked innumerable times, and has led some to disbelief in an all righteous, all loving, and all powerful God.  It is a question that used to rankle even my faith in God who is love. Asaph questioned God because He allows some wicked people to prosper for the moment (Psalm 73). But the psalmist came to grips with that when he remembered that, in the end, the wicked are cut off and brought to nothing. But I have also learned to see that God's patience with the wicked is a testament to His love, His mercy, and kindness.

As C.S. Lewis pointed out in his book, The Problem of Pain,, most of the suffering in the world is caused by human wickedness. And God in His love created humans with the ability to choose between good, (faithfulness to Him) and evil (unfaithfulness to Him). Otherwise we would be like robots, incapable of genuinely receiving and giving love, which only exists between persons; such as the Persons of the eternal, holy Trinity, or between God and His people.

God is love (1 John 4:8). And He created humanity in His perfect image, before the fall; (Genesis 1:26-27) for the purpose of loving and being loved by Him and each other in perfect unity (Matthew 22:37-40). But sin entered the world through one man; and death, and suffering, and disease came through sin (Romans 5:12). And so human nature became corrupt with sin. So really all suffering, not just most of it, is caused by human wickedness.

But God remains love. And though He must judge sin, yet He holds back His righteous anger for now; because as the apostle Peter, under the direction of the Holy Spirit, pointed out, God is longsuffering. That means "patient". He is not willing that anyone should perish, but that all should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). As the apostle Paul, by the same Spirit, says, "Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?" (Romans 2:4). In fact, Paul is a prime example of one who violently opposed Christ and His followers; but who, by the grace of God, received forgiveness, repented, and was reconciled with God through Christ.

But God in His righteousness will judge the world. The Day of the Judgement will indeed come, in due time. And when it does, the kingdom of God, which is already at work in the world through Christ's followers, will be brought to complete fulfillment. Jesus spoke of this in His parable about the wheat and the weeds (Matthew 13:24-30). The sower (God) sowed good seeds (His people) in his field (the world), and his enemy (the devil) sowed weeds (his workers) during the night. But the sower instructed his servants (the angels) to let the wheat and the weeds grow together until harvest time to avoid destroying the wheat. He instructed them to wait till then to uproot and burn the weeds.

Of course, the workers of the devil are people whom God created, and who are in rebellion. They belong to God by creation. But they choose to follow after the rebellion of the devil so that, in that sense, they are "sons of the wicked one", just as those who trust in Christ for salvation are born-again; born of God (1 John 3:1-12). In fact, all of us are born with a fallen, sinful nature that is in rebellion against our Creator. But God in His patience is willing to hold back His righteous judgement in order to give everyone ample opportunity to repent, and be reconciled to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:1-9). 

If God judged the wicked immediately, we would all be ruined, because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). In our fallen nature, we don't even realize just how rancid our sin is to our immaculately holy God. And so it is only by His grace and mercy that anyone can be saved from the judgement that, in due time, will come.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

The Absolute Value

As humans, we place value on various things. And in doing so, we take after our Creator God who places various levels of value on the things which He has created. And God, who is love, has placed great value upon humanity, whom He created in His own image. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, showed the high value He places on us when He bled and died for us on the cross.

The difference between God and us is that He is the infinite Creator of everything that exists. He is the Maker and Owner of the universe. And so only He has the authority to determine the absolute value of anything. In fact, apart from God, nothing has any real value. He Himself is the Absolute Value, from which all real value is derived. And here, I am using the term "Absolute Value" in a slightly different way than it is used in algebra. I mean that the Creator is the Fountain from which all real value springs. He is the One who is infinitely valuable above all things. If it were not for God, nothing would exist. And without Him, there can be no real value in anything.

"Know that the Lord, He is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture."
(Psalm 100:3; emphasis added).

But because of our fallen, sinful nature, we humans often place false value on things, or we value things more than they should be valued. And it is a great sin to value anything more than God Himself, the Absolute Value from which all true value is derived. "Idolatry" is what we call the sin of valuing anything over, or in place of, the one true and living God. And the object of such false value is called an "idol".

Writing to the church at Philippi, the apostle Paul describe how he used to value his accomplishments and his position as a Pharisee. He followed all the dos and don'ts of the religious law; but he didn't know that true righteousness comes from being reconciled with God by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ. The whole reason that we, as human beings, even have such concepts as those of right and wrong, and love and goodness, is that we are created by, and in the image of our holy God who is love. If we are not at peace with our Creator, everything else is meaningless.

But when Paul was confronted by the Person of Jesus, he became reconciled to God through Christ, and learned to honestly say "Yes, everything else is worthless when compared to the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the Law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith." (Philippians 3:8-9).

What is it that we value? Fun times? Euphoria? Sweet music? Power? Prestige? Those things may not be bad, in and of themselves. But when we place a higher value on them than on being in harmony with God through His Son, Jesus Christ, we are sinning. In fact, having a relationship with Christ in this fallen, sinful world may cost us the comforts, and pleasures of this world. 

In fact Christ calls His followers to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily, and follow Him (Luke 9:23). And it is by God's grace, through Jesus Christ, that we are able to do that; turning away from our fallen, sinful nature in order to live in harmony with the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). And like the apostles and many other followers of Christ, we learn to value our Creator and Savior above everything else; even our mortal lives in this world.

Saturday, June 7, 2014


The creation of the universe was an event that took place over the course of six days, approximately six thousand years ago. It was an act of God, by which He spoke all things into existence; along with laws to govern matter, space, and time. Currently, no new matter is being created. All matter was spoken into existence during the creation week, in the beginning. The term "creation" is used to refer God's act of creating, which occurred over those six days, as well as to the actually things that God made (i.e. the universe).

On the third, fifth, and sixth, days of creation; God made plants, flying creatures, aquatic creatures, land animals, and the first man and woman. God created all of these, each according to their own kind. He made them of living cells which He encoded with genetic information that determines the diverse, and unique characteristics that each kind has and is able to pass on in reproduction. 

Each kind was encoded from the beginning with an abundance of dominant and recessive genetic information, allowing each kind to have diversity within itself. In this way, God made all creatures to be able to adapt to various types of environments; yet each kind remains itself. That means that felines always produce felines, canines always produce canines, bovine animals always produce bovine animals, and so forth. 

Human beings are unique among all of God's creatures. Unlike all the flying creatures, aquatic creatures, and land animals; human beings are created in the image or likeness of God Himself (Genesis 1:26-27). This means that we are able to think and to reason. We are able to be imaginative and creative, just like our Creator. 

Our physical bodies, composed of cells, tissues, organs, and systems, along with all the chemicals, and neurons, and electrons and so forth, are God's creations. Human souls are also God's creations. Our physical forms are merely the vehicle of our souls - our minds and spirits. The human brain is the physical vehicle of the human mind and spirit. And we use our bodies to physically carry out the actions which we choose, in our minds and spirits, to carry out.

We are given the choice to do good or evil. And God, the Creator/Owner of the universe, is the Absolute Decider/Standard of what is good. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, said that the first and greatest commandment is to love God with all our heart, soul, and mind. And He said that the second greatest commandment is that we should love each other as much as we each love ourselves (Matthew 22:37-40). You see, the Bible tells us that God is love (1 John 4:8). So being made in His image also means that we are capable of receiving and giving love. This is the purpose for which God, who is love, made us in His image.

Love is more than a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions in the human brain are the physical expression of what is happening in the human soul, mind, and spirit. But love is more than an emotion. It is even more than an action. Love has always existed, without beginning and without end. God is love. Love is personal. That is to say, love exists between people, just as it exists between the three Persons of the Trinity. If there were no persons, there could be no love. If there were only one person, than love could not be given or received. 

But God has always existed, from eternal (infinite) past as three distinct Persons - the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit  - yet He remains one Being or Entity. And so we use the word "Trinity" or "Triune" to describe Him, because though He is three Persons, He is one Being - one God. And this is how God is love. As C.S. Lewis put it, "the living, dynamic activity of love has been going on in God forever and has created everything else". 

God is self existent, from eternity to eternity. His existence is without beginning and without end; independent from, and sovereign over, everything that exists. Without God, nothing would exist. If God had not made us, we would not exist. We exist because God, who is love, exists and made us. We are in the likeness of love because God who is love made us in His likeness. Our existence had a beginning, and is dependent, from beginning to forever, on God.  

But because of sin, which entered the world through Adam, humanity became estranged from God. All of us have sinned, because we are born with a fallen sinful nature which we have inherited from Adam. God is holy, and so our fallen nature alienates us from Him. And the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). Death is not a cessation of existence, it is separation. Physical death is the separation of the soul and spirit from the body. Spiritual death is the separation of the human soul and spirit from God. 

Nevertheless, God is still love; and He still loves us. And so He paid the full penalty of our sin on the cross. Jesus Christ took our sin upon Himself and died for us. Now, by faith in Him, we can be reconciled to the heavenly Father by grace. And by grace we can partake and grow in the divine nature, being made perfect and holy, having our sin taken away from us.