Atheists really are not reasonable or rational thinkers at all. They imagine that this orderly universe, operating according to orderly and intricate sets of laws, came not from an orderly Creator and sovereign Lawgiver; but from random, mindless, unguided processes. And that is a very irrational point of view.
Cells live and operate according to complex codes of intelligible information. They read and interpret the information that is encoded in them, in order to multiply and give specific characteristics to the living organism of which they are a part.
The human brain has to function in an orderly and intelligible manner in order to be able to make valid observations of the surrounding world. Otherwise, the five senses would not be reliable as means of observation. Thus, reason and science would be completely impossible.
The atheists, maintaining that there is no orderly Creator or sovereign Lawgiver, are unable to give any rational explanation for the existence of the laws, the intricate information, by which the universe operates. Thus, the atheistic worldview actually undercuts any rational grounds for science and reason. This does not mean that atheists are unable to conduct scientific studies. It just means that they can not provide any rational grounds, from their own worldview, for doing so.
Furthermore, atheism provides no rational grounds for any moral or spiritual laws. An atheist may hold to some code that they regard as good, though they are not in harmony with God who is the Absolute Standard of what is good. But they can not give any rational explanation as to why anything is or is not good. In fact, atheists do not believe in absolutes; except that they are absolutely sure that there are no absolutes.
These so-called "rationalists", who are not really rational at all, hold that everything is reducible to a mere collection of facts; of data, with no real, objective moral/spiritual value or meaning; other than what human beings imaginatively place on it. Of course, as already noted, if there were no orderly Creator and sovereign Lawgiver, there would be no reliable means of observing and systematically collecting any orderly data at all.
But aside from that, these "rationalists" leave themselves bereft of any understanding of the real, objective matters of the heart and soul of the human experience - the inward, non-physical part of a person. Follow the t.v. show "Bones" (which I do actually enjoy - believe it or not) and I think you'll see what I mean. The mean character frequently says "I don't know what that means." when an emotional/spiritual expression is made. This destitution of the soul and spirit is not rational or reasonable. To be truly rational means having the wisdom to evaluate all known facts and understand their spiritual significance.
As the preacher at my church noted in his sermon this past Sunday, wisdom is the ability to view earthly things from a heavenly perspective. King Solomon the Wise taught us that reverence toward the LORD is the beginning of both wisdom and knowledge (Proverbs 9:10, & 1:7).
Christians have a rational basis for expecting the universe to operate in an orderly manner that can be systematically observed and studied. And we have a rational basis for holding to moral/spiritual laws as well. The universe was created by an orderly Creator and sovereign Lawgiver, who sustains it in a consistent, orderly manner. Not only is this so, but God is love (1 John 4:8). And He created us in His own image (Genesis 1:26-27) for the purpose of love (Matthew 22:37-40). Our Creator is the only Reason that science and goodness have on which to stand.
The heavenly Father Himself has said, through the prophet Isaiah:
"'Come now, let us reason together,"
Says the LORD,
"Though your sins be as scarlet,
They shall be white as snow;
Though they are red like crimson,
They shall be as wool'"
(Isaiah 1:18; emphasis added).
And He has sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to fulfill this promise (John 1:29). This, by the way, sets Christ apart from all other religions. We have confidence that God Himself took on human form and lived a humble, human life in Israel. He Himself endured the brokenness, the sorrows and hardships of the human experience, and was crucified for our sin (Isaiah 53). Everyone who places their trust in Jesus Christ is reconciled with the heavenly Father. "For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus" (1 Timothy 2:5).
Thanks for sharing. Good observation!