
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Do Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God?

It is somewhat popular to think that Christians and Muslims invoke the same God. After all, even Arab Christians refer to God as "Allah" because that is the Arabic word for "God".

Yet, for most non-Arabs, the title, "Allah", is specifically associated with the Muslim god. Similarly, the ancient Canaanites bowed the knee to a false god whom they called Baal; which means "lord" or "master". That name was always used in reference to the false god of the Canaanites (1 Kings 18:16-40); and by the time of Christ, the Hebrews were referring to the devil as Baalzebub or Beelzebub, a derivative which means "lord of  flies" or "god of dung" (Luke 11:14-23). This is consistent with Scriptural teaching that false gods are demons (Deuteronomy 32:17, Psalm 106:37, 1 Corinthians 10:19-21).

But there's much more to it than mere linguistics. The teachings of these two religions about God are so vastly at odds that they are just not about the same God. Suppose someone claims to be friends with, say, Phil Robertson. But their Phil Robertson works for Peta, is an atheist, and a communist from New York City; that person is clearly not talking about the controversial Duck Commander from Louisiana. Now the God who is revered by born-again Christians, and the one invoked by Muslims, are just as significantly different; more, even. 

The error of saying that Muslims and Christians worship the same God is most clearly evident in the drastically variant teachings, between the two religions, concerning Jesus of Nazareth. Islam denies the supremacy and deity of Jesus of Nazareth. It teaches that when He returns He will be a servant of Muhammad, and that He will abolish Christianity. It teaches that another one who is greater than both Jesus and Muhammad is yet to come.

Christianity affirms that Jesus of Nazareth is the eternal Son of God; equal with the Father - that He is God. He is supreme over all creation. The entirety of the cosmos was created through Him, and for Him. And He will return in glory to judge every soul and every spirit, and establish His Kingdom on Earth (John 1:1-3; John 10:25-30; Colossians 1:13-20, Revelation 11:15).

Islam denies that Jesus of Nazareth died on the cross. Christianity affirms that He did die; and that His death was the payment for our sin. The Christian gospel is that salvation from sin and condemnation is by grace, through faith in Jesus Christ the Nazarene (Romans 5:1-2) because of His death on the cross for our sin (Colossians 1:13-14 & 19; 1 John 4:10). 

That means that you don't have to meet the requirements of the Law of Moses, or any similar system of religious regulations, in order to be reconciled with God - because in your fallen, sinful state of being, you can't meet God's perfect standard (Romans 3:23-24). But Christ paid your penalty - death (Romans 6:23) and rose to life again (which Islam also denies, of course) so that all who simply trust in Him will be reconciled to God and also be raised to everlasting life. And He, by His own power, will make His own righteousness grow in the hearts of His people. (Romans 3:20-21, Philippians 1:6, Philippians 2:13,1 John 3:2). And His righteousness is not a cold, dead, rigid body of rules and regulations; but an abundant, vibrant spiritual life that manifests itself through love (Matthew 35-40, John 10:10, Galatians 5:1-6, 1 John 4:8).

Islam, like many false teachers and heretical churches, puts forth "a different gospel - which is really no gospel at all." (Galatians 1:6) a gospel of law instead of grace; precisely the opposite of the Christian gospel (Ephesians 2:8-10). 

Islam, then, is a different gospel with a different Jesus ( 2 Corinthians 11:4). That is to say that it is a falsehood, which keeps people from knowing the truth. It keeps them from knowing the true God, and the sacrifice of love which He made to take away our sin and reconcile us to Himself.

And so God curses everyone who preaches any gospel other than the gospel of salvation from sin, and peace with God, by grace, through faith in His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. (Galatians 1:8-9).

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Christians Do Not Have To Prove the Truth of God

Sometimes when I have presented biblical truth, atheists and other non Christians charge me that I must prove my position and that "quotes from the Bible prove nothing". This is often because I was not trying to "prove" the Bible. Christians do not have to prove the existence of God, or the validity of the the Bible. The proof of God's existence is everywhere, accessible and observable to everyone. The orderly laws which govern the universe (including the cells - organs - systems of the human body) are proof of God's existence and design.

The proof of humanity's fallen nature, and need for a Savior is also plain to see in the the deeds of all people. The fact that millions of unborn children are brutally murdered and unceremoniously discarded and many people think that's ok, is proof of human depravity. War, racism, rioting and all kinds of lovelessness and violence are proof of humanity's sinfulness, and need for a Savior.

In light of these things, the word of God, the Bible, speaks for itself and needs no proving. It will ring true to everyone who has been taught by God and is receptive to His truth. All human beings are created by, and in the image of God who is love. All human beings have become corrupt with sin. Jesus Christ the Son of God came and taught about the kingdom of God and warned us to repent so that we may enter into the kingdom and not be condemned. He gave His own life on the cross for our sin, and rose on the third day. Those who trust in Him will receive pardon for their sin, and be reconciled to the heavenly Father.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Three Things of Which the Wicked Are Ignorant

Atheists, such as Richard Dawkins, accuse God of being a megalomaniac. And they argue that if the works of God were attributed to any human ruler, such a ruler would be deemed to be a cruel despot. But there are three things of which such atheists are ignorant.

First of all, a megalomaniac suffers from the delusion that he or she is great, and glorious, and grand. But God is not a mere human ruler. He is the Creator and Owner of the universe. God really is great, and glorious, and grand; worthy of all praise, all worship, all reverence, all love, and all obedience. And it really is an atrocity for any person to withhold any of those things from Him. 

And that brings me to the second thing of which the wicked are ignorant - the depravity of humanity. God's judgement and wrath are justified. Humanity is a fallen, corrupted creature; full of sin. And the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23a). It is our sinful nature which sets us against God. And it is our disobedience and enmity toward God that creates all conflict, all strife, and all sorrow. And there is no one righteous. 

Even the best of us is infected with the disease of sin (Romans 3:10-18, 3:26, Ecclesiastes 7:20). And there are even those who do evil (disobey God) in the name of God. If humanity were in harmony with God, there would be no wars, no thefts, no lying, no greed, no clashing of egos, no rape, no slavery, no racism, no domestic violence, no terrorism, no child abuse, no discord, no broken families, no adultery, no sexual immorality of any kind, no abortion, no blasphemy, no evil done in the name of God or anyone else. The lion would lie down with the lamb. Everyone would love God, and love each other (Matthew 22:37-40). Families would stick togther. Everyone would have enough food, and everything they need. There would be no death, and no sorrow, and no reason for the wrath of God to be poured out. 

Loving God would come naturally to everyone. No one would be hostile toward God our heavenly Father. No one would have been hostile toward Jesus the Christ. No one would be hostile toward those who trust and obey Jesus, because everyone would trust and obey Jesus. And that trust and obedience would just come naturally, without struggle. God is love; and the redeemed obey Him because they love Him. "We love Him because He first loved us" (1 John 4:19).

And this is the third thing of which the wicked are ignorant - the love of God. Even the best of us might grumble and complain when God disciplines them. And the wicked might curse God aloud for His righteous judgement. But the truth is that God is very merciful, and kind. 

When the Creator and Owner of the universe took on human form and lived in our world, in Israel, over two thousand years ago, He lived a meek, humble, lowly life. He lived as though He owned nothing, despite the fact that the universe and all life belongs to Him. He healed the sick. He gave sight to the blind; strength and agility to the cripple. He raised the dead to life. And He delivered the gospel (good news) of salvation which He would provide through His own death and resurrection.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Of the Heart of Humanity

Many are those who say that you should follow your heart. But God spoke through His prophet, saying, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked" (Jeremiah 17:9). Later, Jesus Christ elaborated by saying, "But those things which proceed out of the mouth come from the heart, and they defile a man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies." (Matthew 15:18-19).

Of course the heart to which they refer is not the physical organ that pumps blood through your body, but your inward desires, thoughts, and feelings. It is closely related to the mind, which is something more than the physical brain inside your head. These things, the heart and mind to which we refer, are spiritual, non-physical components of the human being.

And human hearts are corrupt with sin because of the fall, when sin and death came into the world through the disobedience of Adam (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12). When sin (disobeying God) feels sooo right, that is because the heart is sooo wrong. Solomon wrote that "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death." (Proverbs 14:12). 

Being a follower of Jesus Christ means surrendering our hearts and minds, our consciences, to our Heavenly Father through Him. His Holy Spirit, who speaks to us through the Scriptures, also comes to live within us. He leads and guides us. He teaches us and molds us into His perfect images as we place our trust in Him and obey Him. By this life-process of sanctification, we will become just like our Lord, Savior, and Friend, Jesus Christ.

In their song, "Blind", Third Day says:

"My heart I could not trust
'Cause it lies to me too much
And my mind just couldn't 
Understand it all

How could I have been 
So blind to not see You?
The more I look the more I find
You've led me to the truth"

Indeed, the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked; enslaving us to sin. But Jesus Christ is the truth that sets us free, and the Way for us to live (John 8:31-34, John 14:6). His word, the Scriptures, are truth, proceeding from Him (John 17:17). We must yield to Him as our Compass. Don't follow your heart. Follow Jesus instead. And He will give you a new heart that is in harmony with Him.